We’ve got you covered
With over 225,000 unique km² captured each year — and up to 95% of the Australian population — Nearmap covers more ground, in more detail, every single day.Coverage facts and figures
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Planned updates (over the next 12 months) Planned updates over the next 12 months
Nearmap’s coverage as displayed on the website is an approximate only. Nearmap does not guarantee that content of a particular location or geography will be available at any point in time or that its coverage is current, accurate, correct or reliable. The date, time and number of aerial surveys Nearmap conducts is subject to change without prior notice and is undertaken at Nearmap’s absolute discretion.
Explore other coverage areas
North America
Over 1.7 million published km², and up to 87% of the US population.
New Zealand
Capturing 11,400 unique km² each year — and up to 75% of the New Zealand population.